Adjust Your Sails-Plant Powered Mama

As I reflect on some recent things in my life that haven’t gone my way I realize sometimes you just need to adjust your sails.

God only puts you through storms He knows you can handle. It is all a part of His glorious plan. When you really think about it, in the end we don’t really have a plan of our own at all. We must simply (but not always easily) rest in the peace that after the storm passes we will flourish and grow in ways we never thought we could.

Here’s to adjusting our sails when the going gets tough… Whose with me!?

Maybe there has been something weighing heavy on your heart…

Something you have wanted to do but are holding yourself back? Or worse yet letting others hold you back…

You feel stuck and need something to change….

From now on, lets conquer our fears, do something new even when we don’t feel like we have the courage to, grow and get out there. We’ve got this!!! Make today the day you get started. The only thing you’ll regret is not starting sooner!

For me, I am going to adjust my sails and start focusing on myself and growing. I need to start doing things for myself and focus on who I am supposed to be. I have gotten too comfortable and complacent. I have been handed the MOST amazing opportunity and I need to get out of my own way and run….run like the wind towards this opportunity and all it will provide for me, my happiness and my family.

Who is with me? I would love to hear how you need to adjust your sails? What are your dreams? What is holding you back?

Lets link arms and do this!




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